The Dance Was Very Fun..
After a Long show choir practice on thursday night, i woke up Friday morning exhausted! I went to school with Trisha as usual. The day was slow and busiy at the same time (: I got dissmissed from school and went to an orthidonstist apppt. After that, i went to get tori and got dropped of at the school again, to get there extra early to set up and greet James from JProductions. (presisdent and vice preseident of The night was awesome. The snow machine worked out great, and the laser were a hit without the fog. (the fire department wouldnt let us use the fog bc they set of the alarms), Pshh. I stayed until about 10:20 cleaning up and saying goodbye. I love stayed there when everyones gone. Its fun. Mom picked me and trisha up and went to McDonals for a snack (: WOOO. I went home soo tired and in pain. I quickly went to bed. knowing id have show choir early the next morning.
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The Next Morning
I woke up wicked tired and sore, from a scary dream About killing my Uncle...WEIRD. I got ready and went to show choir, It was a productive practice i guess you could say. We got a lot done with what little we had to work with. Im now at home..bored. Going to sleep over Sam's at 5. and church tomorrow morning...I think.