Sunday, February 1, 2009


Soooo sick today. Bad headache. Im at my uncle right now. He only has like 100 computers lying around...My "family" is yelling at the tv. For some reason when a football player makes the wrong move, they feel its important to scream at the giant t.v in hopes that maybe the player will change their mind. I slept over Sam last night. It was wicked funny, and her room is bigger than mine. Thats a first, right? we took a lot of pictures, il have to check and see later if she put them up on myspace or something......

I dont like football. 
For one : There pants are the gayest excuse for an outfit in history, and number two, the government says that we have evolved, but then we have these creepy steriod men running around tackling each other in spandex. ?? What the hell??

-Well im out, sorry for wasted some of your time-


  1. That was a waste of my time.
    Kinda. ;D

  2. Wait. I meant to say..

    That was a waste of my time.
